Do you want a stronger, beautifully defined chin and jaw without surgery or long recovery time? Dermal fillers are considered revolutionary because they correct defects that previously could only be corrected with surgery.

Sculpting chin and jawline area with dermal filler

Dermal fillers are like liquid implants. They remain under the skin for up to 12 months and can be easily injected into the patient's jaw in expert hands. They immediately eliminate asymmetries and laxity caused by aging, genetics, and other factors.
Dr. Milojević particularly emphasizes the results of the treatment, which greatly impact the patient's appearance, because beauty is defined by symmetry both in nature and in our face, and dermal fillers add volume and symmetry to the shape of the head without surgery.
Dermal fillers are designed for shaping the chin and jaw, without surgical intervention, postoperative recovery, and other consequences. Due to their composition, they are very firm and achieve long-lasting results in maintaining the volume of the chin.

They are the perfect solution for those who want to better define their chin, jawline, and profile, restoring self-confidence damaged by congenital deformity, injury, or discontent due to a small or weak chin. They correct defects such as a receding or small chin.
Even in people who have a firm and prominent chin, the lower part of the face relaxes with aging due to factors such as genetics, changes in the structure of soft tissues and bones, facial expressions, and external influences. Over time, the chin, neck, and jawline lose contour, and the shape of the face changes.
Dermal fillers are applied deep under the skin, right on the bone, to gently shape and add volume to the chin and lower jaw.
How long does the treatment with dermal fillers last and what are the consequences?
A single treatment, which lasts no more than 20 minutes, results in a significant improvement in the appearance of the chin and jaw, without pain, risks, and long recovery. The patient may feel a temporary sensation on the jaw bones. Immediately after the treatment, you can resume your activities, and the great effect on the patient's face lasts up to one year.