The problem of dark circles or swelling under the eyes, as well as bags under the eyes, and then the search for an appropriate strategy to address them, can be a real challenge. The skin under the eyes is very thin, and compared to other areas of the face, it lacks protective tissue almost entirely. Age is also a factor in the development of under-eye bags, as the sensitive skin around the eyes becomes even thinner with time, and blood vessels become more visible.
There are numerous other reasons for the formation of under-eye bags, such as excessive consumption of coffee or alcohol, an unhealthy diet, smoking, and insufficient sleep. These factors can lead to a decrease in the oxygen levels in the blood, causing the blood to darken and penetrate more prominently through the thin skin. However, dark circles can also be genetically predisposed or result from a deficiency in certain nutrients.
The solution to the problem faced by many women but also men comes from the award-winning London-based plastic and oculoplastic surgeon, as well as aesthetic doctor, Dr. Sabrina Shah-Desai. She has introduced her innovative beauty line for the eye area, "Dr. Sabrina," which can now be obtained in Croatia thanks to Polyclinic Milojević.