Numerous portals wrote about our event at the Emerald Ballroom:
The opening of the Polyclinic was the cause, but not the sole reason for the last night’s event at the Emerald Ballroom of the Esplanade Zagreb Hotel. With its flower installations of our famous artist Saša Šekoranja, it was a perfect background for the event of a polyclinic that has been synonymous with beauty for more than a decade.
A lot of persons from the public and social life have accepted the invitation, such as Jelena Veljača, Iva Radić, Nevena Rendeli, Antonija Blaće, Lejla and Tarik Filipović, Jelena Rozga.
"It has been exactly five years since we gathered like this at the fiftieth anniversary of the day when my father set out on the "beauty journey" in this region. I have also taken this path, and today we are celebrating the eleventh anniversary of Polyclinic Milojević since we couldn’t celebrate the tenth anniversary due to the pandemics, almost twenty years of my career "in service of beauty", but also our relocation to a new space that won relevant architectural awards, which makes me extremely proud. I would like to use this occasion to thank all the partners and friends of the Polyclinic for their support, but also to the team of the Polyclinic without which this whole journey would be much more difficult", said dr. Milojević.
You can read more about the event on the following links:
Journal: Poliklinika Milojević u zagrebačkoj Esplanadi proslavila otvorenje nove Poliklinike
Diva: Poliklinika Milojević u zagrebačkoj Esplanadi proslavila otvorenje nove poliklinike
Gloria: Brojni poznati okupili se na glamuroznoj zabavi u centru Zagreba, pogledajte tko je došao