Sophisticated technology, decades of research, and clinical studies with impressive results have provided us with a chance to enjoy a perfectly-shaped body without pain, recovery, and downtime - and all this in just a few treatments. One of the devices that stands out on the world scene is the one for CoolSculpting - a leading treatment in the world for the reduction of fatty tissue, which functions on the principle of cryolipolysis, or the freezing of fat cells. We have been reading about the phenomenal results of this treatment for years in the most famous world media, and sensational "before and after" pictures have flooded social networks.
Among local celebrities, Ella Dvornik Pierce, Danijela Dvornik, and Tarik Filipović stand out. They have openly talked about their amazement at the results in front of millions of followers on social media. When we talk about the world A-list names, some of the fans of CoolSculpting are Khloe Kardashian, Jennifer Aniston, Lindsey Lohan, Debra Messing, and many other famous beauties who wholeheartedly praise this revolutionary treatment.
What is the real truth about this planetary popular treatment, is it really that effective, and what hides behind the controversies we could read about? Not even the most advanced devices based on "top-notch" technological innovations can achieve the results if they are handled by an unskilled person (on the contrary, they can lead to unwanted consequences). Therefore, your main priority should be to choose the right doctor to perform the procedure. There is a very small number of doctors in Croatia who can claim exceptional expertise and knowledge when it gets to CoolSculpting.
Non-surgical alternative to liposuction that really gives results - "CoolSculpting" is a truly unique solution since the achieved results are permanent. With this procedure, we literally freeze fat cells by performing cryolipolysis. Since fatty deposits are not resistant to cold temperatures, freezing them causes the death of the fat cells which are then permanently removed from the body within the period of 2 to 6 months. We all have a different number of fat cells in the body, and in the regions hit by fatty deposits, there is an increase in volume and not the number of fat cells. This is why this treatment is unrivaled in terms of solutions - once removed fat cells cannot come back and maintaining the new figure in the treated region is much easier in comparison with treatments that do not destroy fat cells, but only empty their content.
I am absolutely amazed by this device because we can use it to target no less than nine specific body regions - from the double chin, zone under the jawline, thighs, stomach, and hips, to the chest, back, upper arms, and area under the buttocks. An important fact is that the number of zones, i.e., treated areas is determined individually for each patient, and therefore individual consultation at the Polyclinic is necessary before the beginning of the treatment. We determine the regions and the number of treatments that will provide the patient with optimal results depending on the body’s build and the amount of fatty tissue.
However, we are aware of some controversies linked to the use of this revolutionary device - such as the case of Linda Evangelista whose face has been unrecognizable for years after the treatment due to hyperplasia. Still, this is an extremely rare case (it can happen only once in 20 000 cases), plus this treatment should not be performed on the face. So, we are again coming back to the question about the doctor’s expertise since he shouldn’t have even proposed cryolipolysis on the face. The closest area to the face where this treatment is performed is a double chin.
More than 8 million CoolSculpting treatments have been performed in the world until today. Even if the procedure of freezing fat cells does not require any downtime nor it causes painful bruises, it still requires a patient to follow professional recommendations regarding diet, liquid intake, physical activity, and other lifestyle factors. The results are sensational, and I personally witness them every day in my work with the patients. CoolSculpting is for a reason the leading treatment for fat cell reduction. After the body eliminates the frozen, i.e., destroyed fat cells in the months following the treatment, there is almost a 30% irreversible reduction in the number of fat cells in the treated area. They can never come back, but that does not mean that the person cannot gain weight again. However, the treated area will have a significantly smaller quantity of fat. My patients are especially thrilled by the fact that fantastic results are achieved in the most stubborn regions - we successfully reduce the deposits on the waistline, hips, and rolls under the buttocks, as well as fatty deposits on the upper arms.